Shop Local to Receive a Custom Midwestern Gutter Solution
It’s That Time of Year Again…
While the midwest is just about to explode with beautiful color, the Autumn leaves will be falling. Soon they’ll make their way into your gutter system blocking water flow during the winter months. If not cleaned out, clogged gutters can cause serious repercussions to your home. This year why not choose a local company to advise you on your gutter system and rain water issues? After all, we understand more about what’s clogging your home’s rainwater flow than our national competitors -that’s why we carry gutter covers for every type of foliage here in Indiana.
What Kind of Leaves Do You Have Falling in Your Yard?

The midwest has an abundance in foliage variety. Consider the difference between your neighbor’s yard debris as opposed to your own yard. Do you struggle with Sweetgum balls while your neighbor curses Walnuts? Or do you contend with an abundant supply of pine needles -like me? OR are you battling the ever popular maple seeds/helicopters …or whatever they’re called (more on that topic later). Because the foliage in our midwestern yards can differ significantly from our neighbors’ yards, we all have different solutions for maintaining our gutter system and directing water away from our homes, an especially important consideration as the weather begins to cool and water freezes.
Come on… You Know You Should, so Do It!
Being local means that we understand the midwestern foliage and how it is impacted by our seasons. One of our goals at Gutter Covers of Indiana is to find the right solution for each customer. Our business is owned and operated right here in Indiana. Not every home justifies the same solution and most national gutter system companies offer simplistic approach with 1 or 2 models. However, Gutter Cover of Indiana offers a wider selection than our national competitors -10 solutions to be exact. Being local also means we work with each client to find the right option that will not only fit the your needs, but also within your budget.
So What’s Your Solution?
Indiana foliage differs from yard to yard. So, whether you’re considering a more permanent solution like gutter covers or simply a gutter cleaning service, Gutter Covers of Indiana has an abundance of solutions. Locally owned and operated, Gutter Covers of Indiana can clean out your gutters (see blog post on free gutter cleaning) and/or an installation of one of our wide selection of gutter covers, so you don’t have worry about that maintenance again. So this fall, sit back and enjoy the explosion of color around you. Take a drive and soak in the Autumn sunshine and don’t think twice about cleaning out your gutters. Not to worry, we’ll take care of all of that hassle for you –Be sure to check out our services. And remember, that shopping local means you get better service and product solutions, because we understand the business. Shopping local also means growing and supporting your community.